Starship Home shows off new mixed reality gameplay on Quest 3

A new trailer shows off Quest 3’s exclusive Starship Home in more detail than ever before.

Doug North Cook’s new label Creature made a big splash at the UploadVR Summer Showcase, revealing a striking new look at Thomas Van Bouwel’s mixed-reality game Laser Dance and a first look at the full version of France-based orchestral conducting experience Maestro Double Jack. The group also revealed a December SteamVR release date for Puddle’s visually and audio-intensive Thrasher project, following a simultaneous launch next month on Quest and Vision Pro.

With Starship Home, Creature is taking a local approach to its work exploring mixed reality game design with Mark Schramm leading the group’s engineering (after doing the same with Superhot VR). The project also features art direction from Ashley Pinnick, who previously worked at Tilt Brush and Color Space, among many others.

Creature is trying to achieve with Starship Home’s mixed reality “something that feels so close to the first wave of VR games on the Vive,” North Cook told UploadVR. “It’s not dozens of hours of gameplay, but it is something fundamentally new and paves the way for a new type of game that can be created.”

In the new trailer shared for Summer Showcase, Creature shows how the game turns your entire house into a spaceship that transports you to alien environments.

Starship Home is available for pre-order today, and the trailer shows off airlock concepts for sending tools to the cosmos and bringing samples back to your starship. “Cure plants” is listed as a goal in the trailer, and watering these strange life forms is shown elsewhere. Overall, it looks like more than 40 years after Steven Spielberg’s ET came out, players will be able to feel what it was like to jump into that starship and explore the universal flora.

We will have more details about Starship Home soon.

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